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  • Engineering | UnitBirwelco

    Global Leaders in thermal equipment solutions Specialised in the design, fabrication, and optimisation of a wide range of heat-intensive systems, including fired heaters, flares, pressure vessels, and process skids. Who We Are UnitBirwelco brings together Birwelco , Unit Superheater Engineering , Unit Engineers and Constructors , UnitBirwelco Energy , UnitBirwelco IISP Thermal Equipment Pvt Ltd and UnitBirwelco Middle East to create an engineering group with in-house capability like no other. Read More Why Choose UB? Reliable We are a full service supplier with point - to - point communication like never before. Quality Focused We are committed to the highest standards of quality control, and are fully certified in order to deliver a world class service. Experienced With over 100 years operating in our industry, our knowledge and experience can aid any project. Carbon Negative A carbon negative company since 2020 - working with us will improve your own carbon reduction goals Multinational Our extensive global presence ensures that assistance is readily available, regardless of your location. Diverse Approach We provide tailored solutions based on your project needs, offering both Indian and Western materials and fabrication. Contact Unit House, Elba Business Park, Elba Crescent, Swansea, SA1 8QE 01792 654 091 First Name Last Name Email Message Thanks for submitting! Send


    化工和石化 苛刻的進度表,緊縮的預算和困難的操作條件對於大多數複雜項目都是常見的。作為工程,採購和建築管理(EPCm)承包商,UnitBirwelco已成功在一些最困難的地區成功管理了一系列複雜化學品和石化項目的建設和調試。 我們提供廣泛的服務,從概念和過程設計,詳細的工程以及工廠和工業設施的建設與管理。我們整合了來自各種渠道的技術,包括內部,許可和客戶來源的技術。 所處理的項目的資本價值從25萬英鎊到3000萬英鎊不等。其中包括新設施以及現有工廠的升級或擴建。 UnitBirwelco可以提供定制服務,其中包括可行性研究和概念設計。

  • ISO26000 | UnitBirwelco

    伯維爾科大學進入大學 研發數據並招募16名學徒 專業的熱力技術集團UnitBirwelco Limited已與兩所英國大學達成互惠協議,提供有限數量的“兩年制”大學研究生工程師職位,以換取對新的可再生能源技術進行研究的機會。此舉是在與斯旺西和伯明翰的大學進行密切而持續的合作之後進行的。 作為對培訓和發展新一代工程師的承諾的一部分,該集團還招募了16名學徒,遍及英國的所有三個工廠。 UnitBirwelco首席執行官Cy Wilkinson在評論該計劃時說:“我們認為,英國的大學有時是一種未充分利用的資源,尤其是在研發方面,預算可以為小型企業帶來巨大的支出。通過與這兩所傑出大學的聯繫,我們不僅將從氫生產等領域的最新研究中受益,而且還將在該國工廠中擁有一些該國最聰明的人才。另一方面,畢業生將受益於將他們的研究帶出實驗室,並將其應用於日常的商業環境中。” 研究生項目工程師喬·摩根(Joe Morgan)在評價該計劃時說:“我相信,許多公司都缺少與學術界合作進行研發項目以進行擴展的可能性。這是將研究帶出教室並與具有類似想法的公司如UnitBirwelco一起投入實際使用的絕佳機會。在個人層面上,在適當的商業環境中使用我的大學工作和知識是很有意義的。” Cy Wilkinson補充說:“我們的學徒計劃反映了公司的信念,即只要他們經過適當的培訓,學徒就是未來–集團的許多高級管理人員(包括我)都是以此方式開始職業的。工業界對合格的工程師大聲疾呼。”

  • ABOUT | UnitBirwelco

    我們是誰 成立於1903年的UnitBirwelco集團由三個戰略性地位於英國的部門組成-單元過熱器工程,單元工程師和建築商以及Birwelco。 比爾韋爾科 Birwelco設在Halesowen,是我們的設計辦公室。 Birwelco憑藉著在火炬,加熱器方面的專業知識以及廣泛的工程設計工作,是設計方面的專家,並且是獲得專利的Sonajet Flare Design的創造者。 比爾韋爾科 Birwelco設在Halesowen,是我們的設計辦公室。 Birwelco憑藉著在火炬,加熱器方面的專業知識以及廣泛的工程設計工作,是設計方面的專家,並且是獲得專利的Sonajet Flare Design的創造者。 機組過熱器工程 USE總部位於斯旺西,擁有一個設計辦公室和兩個大型工作室。 USE專門從事傳熱設備,鍋爐,無損檢測,製造和工程設計。 比爾韋爾科 Birwelco設在Halesowen,是我們的設計辦公室。 Birwelco憑藉著在火炬,加熱器方面的專業知識以及廣泛的工程設計工作,是設計方面的專家,並且是獲得專利的Sonajet Flare Design的創造者。 單位工程師和建設者 UECL的Humberside辦公室是停機,現場工作,維護和大修方面的專家,另外還設有專門的儲罐部門以及大型製造車間。 比爾韋爾科 Birwelco設在Halesowen,是我們的設計辦公室。 Birwelco憑藉著在火炬,加熱器方面的專業知識以及廣泛的工程設計工作,是設計方面的專家,並且是獲得專利的Sonajet Flare Design的創造者。

  • Carbon Negative | UnitBirwelco

    UnitBirwelco提前兩年實現了碳負排放狀態 熱能技術專家UnitBirwelco Limited(UnitBirwelco)提前兩年實現了“負碳”地位。 最初定於2022年,UnitBirwelco於今年通過應用嚴格的“五步走”計劃到達了目的地,該計劃首先確定最容易實現減排的運營區域,然後對水平進行誠實,準確的研究當前排放量。結合內部減排量和支持減排項目,制定並實現了目標,並確保所有利益相關者(包括勞動力)都意識到該計劃的目的和利益。 集團首席執行官賽爾·威爾金森(Cy Wilkinson)在談到這一成就時說:“我們的團隊一直在努力實現我們最初的目標,即到2022年實現碳負排放。我們意識到,這對於我們以及與諸如石油,天然氣,能源和電力使我們敏銳地意識到公眾的觀念和我們面臨的環境挑戰。我們多年來積累的技術知識也幫助我們提出了一些解決方案。” UnitBirwelco通過支持多個項目(包括烏干達的鑽孔修復,通過ADPML Portel Para RDD項目進行的巴西雨林開發)以及在英國種植100棵樹木進行植樹造林,成功抵消了150噸的二氧化碳排放。 威爾金森先生補充說:“這也顯示了每個人都朝著同一個方向前進時可以取得的成就,因為他們了解原因–我們各個層次的員工都很棒。遵守公認的標準現已成為日常生活的一部分,這就是我們獲得ISO 9001,ISO 14001和OHSAS18001認證的原因。企業根本擔不起選擇退出自己的責任的重任。我們很高興能做出我們的貢獻。”

  • Birwelco | UnitBirwelco

    Birwelco Experts in engineering design, global project management, patented flare systems and flare gas recovery. Birwelco is based in Halesowen and are our design office. With expertise in flares, heaters and a wide scope of engineering design work, Birwelco are experts in design, and creators of the Sonajet Flare Design. ​ Founded in 1902 as our oldest division, Birwelco has a wealthy history of heaters, flares, boilers, processing skids and a wide range of projects. ​ Examples of previous work Flare Gas Recovery Contact Us Address Trinity Point, New Rd, Halesowen, West Midlands, B63 3HY Contact 0121 585 5566 Opening Hours Mon - Fri 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Weekend CLOSED

  • Produced Water Treatment | UnitBirwelco

    火炬氣回收- 可持續解決方案 Birwelco has a longstanding history of specialised expertise in wastewater treatment plant design, with a dedicated division dedicated to this field. Our current team at Birwelco not only benefits from the legacy of past Birwelco contracts but also brings a wealth of experience gained through their collaborations with other prominent employers within the wastewater treatment sector. 作為全球領先的火炬系統供應商,我們40多年的經驗確保我們的火炬氣回收系統能夠滿足客戶的要求,並滿足最苛刻的行業和國際認可的標準。 我們的能力和經驗使我們能夠提供火炬氣回收裝置,作為新火炬系統的一部分或現有火炬系統中的額外安裝,所有這些都可以滿足客戶的特定要求。這些系統不僅可以通過貨幣增加價值,還可以通過積極減少廢氣排放來改善環境。 提供的服務 Hydroclones —Uses hydrodynamic cyclonic effect to generate high g-forces to separate phases efficiently in a very short residence time. —High oil removal efficiency, compact equipment, in-sensitive to external motion —Requires high pressure drop for efficient operation, requires steady inlet flow/conditions Gas Floatation methods Various technologies available to impart fine gas bubbles into water to lift out oil/solid particles —High oil removal efficiency, can handle wide range/ fluctuating inlet conc’s —Generally requires gas supply, required chemicals for enhanced performance Filtration methods —Various filtration technologies available from simple cartridge type, activated carbon, media bed (anthracite etc.) and Walnut Shell ​ —Very high oil removal efficiency, can handle wide range/ fluctuating inlet concentrations —Problem with media disposal or regeneration, large complex systems for large flow rates Gravity / API Separators —Original treatment method —Large tank with high res. Time —Simple design, no moving parts, relatively cheap. —Large vessels, ineffective with small oil droplets, requires long res. Time to get efficient separation​​ Typical Equipment Packages Modular Hydrocyclone/Flotation Package Deoiling Hydrocyclone Package (High Spec) Produced Water Injection Pumps Walnut Shell Filters Multimedia Filter Multimedia Filter Desanding Package Gas Flotation & Skimmer Packages Desanding Package Standard Deoiling Hydrocyclone Vessels Address Birwelco, Trinity Point, Halesowen, Birmingham, B63 3HY Phone +44 (0) 121 585 5566 Email Download Brochure Click here or click the download icon

  • CMT Weld Overlay | UnitBirwelco

    CMT Boiler tube weld overlay Unit Superheater Engineering supply weld overlaid boiler tube, supplying to the energy from waste, biomass, and fossil fuelled power industry within the UK and Europe. ​ Unit Superheater utilise the Cold Metal Transfer welding technology , delivering an automated and controlled application of weld overlay cladding to standard base tube. ​ Alloy 625 (ErNiCrMo-3) has successfully been used to significantly extend the life of boiler tubes in highly corrosive environments such as energy-from-waste boilers for many years, and continues to be the material of choice to combat most fireside corrosion issues. ​ Advances in the search for superior performance alloys to challenge the most aggressive superheater corrosion, have resulted in Alloy 686 being selected by several of the latest generation of Energy from Waste plants. ​ Advanced welding system architecture, ensure repeatable quality, and a high integrity weld overlay, with ultra low weld chemistry dilution. ​ The weld overlay application encompasses the full range of typical boiler tube sizes 38 mm – 76.1 mm, but with the enhanced capability for large diameters up to 220 mm diameter for header and collector bodies, and < 38 mm for specialised superheater applications. CMT weld overlaid tube combines the economics and strength of a carbon or low alloy steel base tube material, with a NiCrMo weld overlay layer in a range of materials. CMT weld overlaid tube is a high integrity pressure part component, with controlled weld chemistry and ductility, and is suitable for cold and hot finish bending. ​ Material combinations of base tube and weld overlay alloy can be tailored to suit specific corrosion and erosion conditions, and pressure part design requirements. High temperature fireside corrosion in boilers is a complex process, many factors contribute to tube degradation, and alloy selection is critical to providing the optimum solution that balances reliability and economics. ​ Consistent and uniform, the CMT process delivers an ultra-low dilution weld overlay of assured repeatable quality. ​ The standard process applies a single layer of a minimum thickness 2.0 mm. Increased thickness can be achieved in either single or double layer to meet customer bespoke specifications. Applications include: ​ Water wall inserts & fabricated tube panels ​ Replacement superheaters ​ Replacement superheater bends ​ Screen wall tubes ​ Burner, sootblower, & door aperture tubes ​ Headers and collectors Want to know more? Talk to a member of the team - Email Phone See it in action...

  • REGISTRATIONS | UnitBirwelco

    REGISTRATIONS EPIM JQS EPIM JQS is a supplier register and a service for qualification used by purchasers in the Norwegian oil and gas sector. It manages supplier information and risk in the supply chain, and enables efficient purchasing in accordance with EU regulations, covering most procurement needs. SupplHi SupplHi is the Vendor Management SaaS for industrial equipment and services chosen by the most demanding buyer organizations of all sizes to manage their vendor base efficiently and compliantly. ISNetworld ISNetworld is an online contractor and supplier management platform of data-driven products and services that help manage risk and strengthen relationships. It helps reduce unnecessary duplication associated with traditional qualification processes. Achilles Connecting buyers and suppliers, streamlining procurement and raising standards. ConCom The Humber Contractor Competency Forum was formed in 1999 by a group of collaborating clients and supporting contractors to establish and develop high standards of competency for companies and their employees working on the Humber Bank process industry sites. Avetta Avetta help Clients and their Suppliers manage supply chain safety, sustainability, and risk UVDB Achilles operates the prestigious Utilities Vendor Database Service (UVDB), used by leading UK utilities companies. Achilles UVDB accreditation entitles businesses to pre-qualify, using one questionnaire to market themselves across the whole industry. By achieving Achilles UVDB qualification, businesses can connect with the top utilities organisations.

  • PRODUCTS & SERVICES | UnitBirwelco

    我們提供什麼 瀏覽我們所有三個部門提供的可用產品和服務-如果您需要更多具體信息,請聯繫我們三個部門之一 產品- 服務- Arrow Arrow

  • ENGINEERING | UnitBirwelco

    查詢 我們隨時準備處理新項目,並幫助您提升業務。保持聯繫,開始聊天。 發送詢問 下載我們的手冊 工程 全世界 UnitBirwelco在製造一流的燃燒加熱器,廢熱回收裝置和火炬系統方面享譽全球。 UnitBirwelco的前端工程設計包可識別完全定義工程範圍並確保順利過渡到物理工程階段所需的詳細程度。 通過全面了解客戶的需求,並利用內部施工,安全和運營方面的專業知識,我們能夠開發出最佳的技術和商業工程解決方案。 初始過程設計,HSE工程和過程控制研究使UnitBirwelco可以在充分了解整體工程解決方案的情況下有效地進入詳細設計。 UnitBirwelco具有多學科專業知識,包括: 工藝工程 儀器與系統集成 電機工程 設備 土木與結構工程 管道和機械工程 EC&I功能 我們還認識到與改造和翻新項目相關的額外困難,並且在管理與現有運營工廠和後續工程工作所需的接口工作方面擁有豐富的經驗。 “我們能夠開發最佳的技術和商業工程解決方案。憑藉廣泛的產品和服務,我們可以確保定制設計滿足您的需求”

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